Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The letter D

Buggie has gotten tired of taking 2 weeks to do a letter so we have cut it down to one between B, C and D. B was almost 2 weeks, C 1.5 weeks and now D will be a week long. It helped that B and C went together since our themes were Butterfly and Caterpillar. Now we are reading and making dinosaur stuff. We have An alphabet book for the theme that we read daily along with some early readers that Buggie can read some of the words from, it's so cute. Then we have 2 science/history or reference books that we read and 4-6 fiction/non-fiction books that go along with the theme. We also have at least 2-4 chapter books for the week to read, which Buggie loves to have done while he is working on writing skills, art projects, or just while we're outside and he's playing in the sand, which can sometimes be 3 hours of the day, we love it and he loves being read to can I ask for more??? I think not!!!

Buggie is having so much fun now that I just leave his scissors and construction paper out I catch him cutting all the time now and he's really getting good. He cut out a "B" last Friday staying on the lines and everything, it was awesome.

Yesturday we got an early start and went straight out to the garden to pick corn and Buggie even helped husk a few after he rounded them all up from mommy's throwing session, hee hee hee I forgot to grab a bag or basket to collect them in. We even had some for dinner I have to wait till sometime today before I freeze though since I forgot we didn't have any freezer bags, bad mommy. Then it was book time, beads, lacing boards, stencils, back outside, books, train match-up, name with magnets, books, Rod and Staff worksheets, lunch, books and more books, nap, grocery and car playing upstairs, Piano practice, Twister, dinner, some daddy time, Bedtime routine and bed (which means from 9:30-11 he got out of his bed 4 times for bathroom and loves).

Buggie is really getting into his chores now too. He helps me do laundry (put clothes in washer and dryer, which is a big deal for an almost 2 yr old) and he makes sure the cats feeder and waterer are full every other day, which he takes very seriously. He is also getting so much better at cleaning up after himself without being asked, closing the door behind him and washing his hands after the bathroom and when we come in from outside. We are having a hard time with him just going outside without asking and having mommy or daddy with him and stopping when we ask him to stop, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Potty training is complete, although he did have an accident yesturday morning before he woke up, but it was my fault I let him have a long late night drink and he was so upset since he had been dry for 9 days and we had just had a dry night party on Friday, so I had to explain that accidents happen and we loved him no matter what, so he climbed into our bed and after mom cleaned up we all went back to sleep.

I will link some pictures and websites later this week of what we're doing.

God Bless

Love Gretchen

Crazy House

Hey All,
Life at our house is crazy, which usually does happen right before big events like holidays and vacations. But right now is the worst because we procrastinate big time until a couple of weeks before Buggie's birthday and go insane trying to get, in this years instance, our house flipped upside down with 3 building projects going on at the same time, while Hubbie is hardly able to be home. Well the nice thing is we've always gotten it all done in time, bad thing is doing so much in such a little time plus doing the normal day-to-day things like planning school for the next week and getting ready for tomorrow. Well at this point we have a fence up, the bugs are dying in our backyard and our storage behind the house is almost ready for the stuff from our basement. This means we still have a wall to put up in the storage, all the basement storage has to be moved upstairs, along with whatever else I can not bring myself to throw away to get it out of the house. Then we can move mine and Hubbies offices', with some room for Buggie to play, to the basement. After that Buggie can move to his upstairs "Big Boy Room" and our bedroom can move upstairs. Last, but so not least I can finally get my schoolroom and a familyroom/library on our main level. I'm excited, but as you see we have so much to do.
We would have gotten more done today, but Hubbie sliced his palm open helping his brother out today, otherwise I'd be moving boxes by now. I'm just thankful it was a couple of layers of skin and not something more serious and he actually needed to take a day off since we've been going non-stop for the last 2 weeks. Tomorrow we will be back to the grindstone.
Ok so if that was not enough, we have at least 60 people coming for Buggie's birthday party, 90 if the unresponsive come too. He's so social and kept asking for his Sabbath School friends to be invited and family is coming and neighbors so it'll be a large bash for a soon to be 3 year old. We like to entertain so this should be fun.
Pray for us not to have any worse accidents.
God Bless you all.

Love Gretchen

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Five Question Friday

Got this right from Mama M

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them (like, totally, duh!), then c'mon back to link up! If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your answers in the comments of this post or any post along the way!

Questions for Friday, July 23rd: (Special thanks to Christy [for inspiration], Kelly, BrittanyCiara, Emily, and Sami [for inspiration] for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Just c'mon over here, to my community, and offer up your best question suggestions!)

1. What were your school colors?
-Blue and white

2. What's the best compliment you ever received?
-Will you marry me

3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?
-semi-expensive, I like my lower anatomy feeling good not icky from nasty cheap toliet paper.

4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?
-yes and my husband to be was totally in charge and to top it off after they blindfolded me and took me around town then back to our dorm he was there clean shaven as I'd never seen before which was so sweet and loving a gift, scary cause he looked 10.

5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?
-on the need side I would say my glasses cause I am semi-blind without them, on the want side I would have to say my camera, cause I am constantly taking pictures of what goes on in my life.

Good morning all sorry this is late.
God Bless

Love Gretchen

Friday, July 23, 2010

99 Memorable Experiences

Ok here we go...

Rebecca at theblessingsofmoderndomestication did this fun blog post listing 99 Memorable Experiences. I thought why not have some fun too. I left some of her answers and added to others.

Here are 99 Memorable Experiences

1. started my own blog, but totally slack at keeping it up
2. slept under the stars cuddled with my baby
3. played the flute
4. visited Thailand
5. watched a meteor shower
6. gave birth to my baby boy after lots of labor and then a C-section
7. walked many trails
8. climbed many rock faces
9. visited Hawaii
10. shot many handguns and rifles, hitting target spot on almost every time
11. given more to charity than you could afford to
12. camped out in the rain
13. watched a thunder and lightning storm many times and still in awww of an awesome and mighty Creator God
14. road a bus to TN with education friends for a Conference
15. driven and used many farm and construction machines
16. cut down a tree with a chain saw
17. raised, shown and sold too many to count rabbits
18. touched manta ray
19. Visited Mexico from the border of TX
20. shown horses
21. had a pillow fight with my son
22. held a cicada
23. lived on a farm for lots of my life, the city is the hard part for me
24. built a snow fort
25. milked and had hand almost broken by a cow
27. sat my baby in a hammock
28. saw the humpback whales in HI
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise & sunset
31. played and managed a volleyball team
32. ridden an elephant
33. ridden a raft down the ChaingMai river in Thailand
34. ridden in a tuktuk
35. Ate fresh fish MahiMahi in HI
36. tried water tubbing
37. sung a solo
38. cook for my friends
39. married my best friend (AMEN to that)
40. had pet cats and dogs
41. sung karaoke
42. grown your own vegetables
43. slept on a 33 hr cross continent flight
44. walked up Devils Head in Oahu
45. had a snowball fight
46. held a baby foal
47. helped a cow give birth, keep the calf alive for 2 hrs and watch the poor thing die
48. danced in the rain
49. enjoyed a wedding and time in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
50. had friends take me to Hawaii
51. gone snorkeling
52. seen the sunken boats in Oahu
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a sit-in movie theater in a friends backyard
55. walked the streets of Washington DC
56. Enjoyed Washington DC with my mom
57. started a business
58. taken a painting class
59. been on road trips cross country in my youth
60. had my picture taken in a field of flowers
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. enjoyed many a boat ride
63. gotten flowers for no reason
64. given in secret
65. made a wish on a coin toss in a fountain
66. wore a Mexican sombrero
67. visited the Apple Valley, MN and Omaha, NE zoo
68. sat in a WW II fighter plane
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. eaten oysters
72. ridden a motorcycle
73. stood next to a stealth fighter
74. been in the whispering caves of SD
75. been cave exploring
76. put my feet in both the Atlantic ocean
77. broken a bone
78. been a passenger on a motorcycle
79. watched right before the birth of my sister (was great birth control major)
80. drove manual transmition while learning to drive a car
81. toured the USS Freedom in Duluth, MN
82. purchased a car in cash (no loan) my first after getting my drivers license
83. flown to many hrs in a twin engine plane
84. walked where the massacre at Wounded Knee happened
85. swam in glacier potholes (they are like giant rock pools)
86. visited The outside of the White House
87. gone to the undergrown waterfall in Chattanogga, TN
88. had chickenpox
89. donated blood
90. toured the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC
91. met someone famous
92. had your picture in the newspaper
93. seen the Alamo in person
94. seen the nutcracker ballet lots
95. enjoyed a symphony in Chicago
96. joined friends at a dance club
97. bought a house and turned it into our home
98. watched my younger brother spin pottery on a wheel (so awesome)
99. had a baby & want to do it again soon

100. I have so many new things to do with my baby boy now......

I will totally agree that it was fun to remember some of the fun things I've been able to experience in my life. Thank you God for the opportunities and my hubbie for most of the follow thru.

God Bless

Love Gretchen