Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2013-2014 School Curriculum

Well since in NE you have to be registered by July 15 I had to have everything picked out and ready to go so here is our list for the year.

2013-2014 school year plan

For Bobo we will be using the 2 year old plans at:
For Buggie we will be entering the phase of 2nd grade and this is the first year for us to register since you have to be 6 before NE recognizes a student.
The Climbing Rock Academy  Curriculum List
 Spelling-          Spelling Workout Level A & B 
Writing-           A Reason for Handwriting:  Manuscript A & B   Author: Carol Ann Retzer 
Grammer-        First and Second Language Lessons by Jessie Wise  
History-           THE STORY OF THE WORLD Volume I: Ancient Times From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor  and The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child:
  The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance By Susan Wise Bauer       
Math-               Saxon Grade 2 
Geography-      Road Trip USA by
Science-           Elementary Life Science by Scott McQuerry
                         Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology
Art-                  Sister Wendy’s The Story of Painting  Publisher: doring kinderling

Good luck with all your plans and take it slow.  May God Bless you in everything you do.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer time

Lots of inside time due to allergies but we just had to get out. So here we are in the evil humidity. The boys are running and playing under our awesome tree canopy. We are hot sweaty and happy.
The boys have been doing so well this summer with changes.  We were at church last Sabbath evening for close of Sabbath and my babies both knelt down and did prayer with Pastor without being told it was Prayer time.  I was so proud of them both and daddy got to witness it also.  We both had tears as they both came up with their own Amens.  So thankful to God for giving us two wonderfully little boys who surprise us daily.
God Bless you and hope you are having a great summer

Our new family member

Our oldest, Thunder, has diabetes and renal failure so in order to prepare the family. We want to make sure Galic has a friend and the boys, we, have another kitty to help when the time comes for our baby girl.  So hubbie found a Calico kitty when he picked our two up from the kitty hotel after our excursion to MN for the weekend. We checked it out and were ready to adopt her until the Humane Society said oh no she was adopted last night. So after about 30 mins of babies crying and nashing of teeth we asked to look at the kitties that were adoptable. Very quickly Buggie, Bobo and I fell in love with our new baby, Stardust or Dusty as the boys have nicknamed her.
Unfortunately she has an upper respritory problem right now and is healing from being fixed but she is on the uphill and we are so happy to have her.
Hope all is well and God Bless

Saturday, July 6, 2013

On our way

We headed to MN for my moms graduation from the Catholic churches Catechism classes, which she spent the last four years in classes, writing papers and spending weekends in Winona.  We are very proud of her and decided to go and be part of it.
Buggie had been throwing up and had a fever since the end of VBS. We were hoping all would be done a week later, but 20 mins into the trip the great green bowl was pulled out and used. Then again about 2 hours later. We figured worse case Mayo Clinic was 20 mins from moms so wed be in good hands.
Well we got to moms and Buggies sickness went away, we think he was just so excited about seeing family that his body was in overload.
After we passed that worry we had good times with family. We got to have a grill out w mom and her boyfriend and hung out with my sister and her family and our cousins and auntie. It was a grand time celebrating.
The next day we checked out my cousins new house and had a fabulous ride to Winona with my aunt. When we got there we had a good family time there along with the ceremony and wonderful dinner put on by the church. Afterwards we went to a little dive that had fabulous homemade rootbeer and the boys played.
After the whirlwind day and a half we turned South and headed home. A lot of craziness but worth it for such a special event for my mommy.
Hope you are all well and having fun. God Bless